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The best option to access to an audience of International Institutional Investors

How to list your opportunity on Elviria

How can I list an opportunity on Elviria?Elviria takes very seriously the quality of an opportunity. First of all, the opportunity must be submitted to the Elviria team for an initial assessment by means of a questionnaire. The team will then contact you to inform about the outcome of the analysis and, if applicable, to follow up.
What kinds of opportunities do you accept?There are no specific types of opportunities. We essentially assess: the quality of the proposal who proposes it the congruity with our investors' demands
In case you find the proposal interesting but not adequately structured. Do you offer support?Of course. We have a dedicated team to better support the most deserving proposals. We offer the complete structuring to turn an opportunity into an investable financial instrument.
How should an opportunity be structured?Each opportunity must be in a bankable format and have an ISIN number. In addition to this, the opportunity itself can be digitalised in order to allow investors who want to take advantage of the blockchain and invest by receiving digital assets on their wallet. Elviria is able to structure and provide an ISIN number to each opportunity and simultaneously tokenise it.
What kind of investors will be assessing my opportunity?Elviria is dedicated to Financial Institutions, Family Offices, Professional Investors and Independent Financial Advisors. Our database grows daily through constant investor selection and partnerships with other asset managers or financial advisor networks.
Which currencies do you support?The currencies of the opportunities offered may be as follows: US Dollar Euro Pound Sterling Swiss Franc
Can an investor use his cryptocurrencies to invest?Yes, we support up to 90 cryptocurrencies. It is understood that regardless of the cryptocurrency used, the investment is made in the designated currency. For example, if an investor uses his Bitcoins to invest in the opportunity that has USD as its base currency (e.g. 100,000 USD), the Bitcoins are instantly exchanged and therefore the issuer will receive 100,000 USD. No currency risk for the issuer.
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